Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Letter #7 November 16, 2013

It is so crazy how fast time is flying!!!  I leave Monday morning for Argentina!!  I have felt the impact of your prayers this week and I thank all of you so much for your thoughts!!! It has been a good week this past week and we started off on a definite high note!!  Last Tuesday our devotional speaker let out a secret that the speaker a week from then would be L. Tom Perry.  So on Tuesday night Elder Duke and I went up to Main Campus extra early.  We left at 5 oclock and took the bus up to Main.  We ate Dinner and walked around for a bit before going to get in line at the door.  When we got to the door, we saw a huge line had already formed!!  So since my companion is 6'7" we decided to make our way to the front!!  We walked through everyone and no one put up a fight haha.  We are one of the biggest companionships at the MTC and it has its advantages!!  I was no more than 15 feet away from L. Tom Perry as he spoke to us.  He is awesome!!  He delivered a great talk with so many great lessons.  One thing he said that stood out to me was "You are on the Lords errand, what is there to fear???"  It made me realize that I am a servant of God and "You can't touch this" (sorry if that was to irreverent, I had to through a personal touch in here) .  Another funny thing I decided to do this week was mess with missionaries at the Main campus (especially the senior couples).  Main campus has that huge map everyone takes pictures by while pointing to their missions.   So when people walked by I would point to North Korea.   I got so many questions about my mission and it was so hard to keep a straight face.  Gotta keep things light hearted in the MTC to stay sane!!!  Yesterday we attended in field orientation.  Basically an all day meeting explaining how things work in the field.  It hit me that I am moving literally across the globe and its pretty scary at times to think about.   But I have faith and I know I will be ok.
Another funny event that happened this week is one of our teachers told me I was looking a little pudgy.  So I asked my teacher to bring a scale to class so I could see if I had gained weight.  I think I was around 190 lbs when I entered the MTC and when I stood on the scale it read 207!!!! I have gained more than 15 lbs here!!!  This gave me a ton of motivation to get more exercise whenever I can!! 
Our teaching continues to improve, we taught Ciro about Chastity, Keeping the Sabbath day holy and The Word of Wisdom.  He had a tough time accepting the Law of Tithing though.  I sat and paused and just let the spirit guide me.  I asked Ciro if he would obey the Law of Tithing if God appeared and told him to and he said yes.  We then talked about how this is a modern day commandment given to the Prophet and how they are the Mouthpiece of God on the Earth.   He sat and thought and then agreed to follow all the Guidance we had given him!  This man is GOLD!!!!!!!  Any ways I love you all and I really appreciate all your support!! Please continue to write and send pictures (Nacho accent) "They are the beeeeeeest, I love it"
Love Elder Ollerton

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